Closed loop
of ESG
ESG Governance Structure
ESG Awards and Recognitions
Board of Directors
  • Approve the Group’s overall ESG strategy and report, and take ultimate and full responsibility for the overall direction, strategy, objectives, performance and reporting of the Group’s sustainable development
Sustainability Steering Group
Chairman of the Sustainability Steering Group
Heads of Departments
  • Formulate the Group’s ESG objectives, strategy, work plans etc. for the Board’s approval
  • Identify, monitor and examine important ESG issues, risks and opportunities that may affect the business operations and performance of the Group for the Board’s approval
  • During the identification process, relevant issues, risks and opportunities will be prioritized to sort out the important issues, risks and opportunities that are more likely to affect the Group’s business operations and performance
  • Supervise and review the Group’s ESG policies, practices, framework and management approach, and propose improvements to the Board
  • Review the Group’s annual ESG report and other ESG-related disclosures
  • Perform other related functions attached to the above responsibilities as the Steering Group deems appropriate
All Departments
  • Collect data required for the annual ESG report and data
  • Improve ESG awareness of department staff
  • Promote effective implementation of the Group’s sustainable development strategy and action plan within the department
  • Integrate and evaluate ESG risks or opportunities identified by employees from the department in the course of their work